
ECORISK2050 meeting in Rehovot, Israel
From 05-09 January 2020, the second meeting of the ECORISK2050 project was held at the Rehovot campus from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. We started our time in Israel with an interesting trip to Jerusalem on Sunday, where we had a guided tour around the fascinating old city. For many of us it…
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ECORISK2050 kick-off meeting
From 17-21 June, ECORISK2050 scientists and project partners got together for the first project meeting held at the University of York (UK). On the Monday and Tuesday, short presentations were given on the basic science around the emissions, fate and effects of chemicals in the aquatic environment. On the Wednesday an ECORISK2050 project meeting took…
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First ECORISK2050 meeting
From 17/06 to 21/06 the first ECORISK2050 meeting will take place in York. The meeting will consist of: Short courses on the emissions, fate and effects of chemicals in the aquatic environment; workshops during which the the implications of future changes (climate, urbanisation, demographics) on chemical use, emissions, fate, effects and risks will be explored and discussed;…
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