Sabrina Roth – ESR9 – Stockholm University

Using chemical activity to understand effects of chemical mixtures on microbial communities in aquatic sediments (WP5)

Sabrina is an environmental early stage researcher based at Stockholm University, Sweden.

Studying Biological Science at the Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany and the M.Sc. program “International Studies in Aquatic Tropical Ecology” at the Bremen University, Germany equipped her with an excellent interdisciplinary training in the field of microbiology, aquatic ecology and environmental research. This foundation was further elaborated by working as a student research assistant during her studies. After graduating, a research assistantship at the Institute of Ecology and Evolution Hannover, Germany enabled her to gain expertise in molecular biological methods. Operating as Senior Laboratory Technical Specialist at the Red Sea Research Center at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia, she consolidated and expanded her knowledge in molecular biological and microbiological methods. Later on, working as Senior Technical Specialist in Environmental Analysis at the Analytical Chemistry Core Lab at KAUST, enhanced her analytical skills to quantify organic contaminants in aquatic sediment samples and marine species.


Sabrina is interested in understanding the effects of chemical mixtures on microbial communities in aquatic sediments, using the chemical activity approach.

During her PhD, she will investigate the relationship between microbial activities and organic contaminants to acquire a holistic picture of how microbial communities may function as indicators for chemical pollution in the environment.

ECORISK2050 Publications

Roth, S. K., Hader, J. D., Domercq, P., Sobek, A., & MacLeod, M. (2023). Scenario-based modelling of changes in chemical intake fraction in Sweden and the Baltic Sea under global change. Science of The Total Environment, 164247.

Roth, S. K., Polazzo, F., García-Astillero Honrado, A., Cherta, L., Sobek, A., & Rico, A. Multiple stressor effects of a heatwave and a herbicide on zooplankton communities: implications of global climate changeFrontiers in Environmental Science, 2212.

Polazzo, F., Roth, S.K., Hermann, M., Mangold‐Döring, A., Rico, A., Sobek, A., Van den Brink, P.J. and Jackson, M.C. (2021). Combined effects of heatwaves and micropollutants on freshwater ecosystems: towards an integrated assessment of extreme events in multiple stressors research. Global Change Biology.


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