Paul van de Brink – project leader

Paul J. Van den Brink is a personal professor at the Aquatic Ecology and Water Quality Management Group of Wageningen University and a senior scientist at the research institute Wageningen Environmental Research, both belonging to the Wageningen University and Research.
Alistair Boxall – (co)-project leader, WP4

Alistair Boxall is Professor in Environmental Science at University of York. His research focuses on understanding emerging and future ecological and health risks posed by chemical contaminants in the natural environment. Member of the Defra Advisory Hazardous Substances Advisory Committee and Chair of the Pharmaceutical Advisory Group of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.
Josef Eitzinger – Leading WP3

Josef Eitzinger is professor at University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU) and head of the Insitute for Meteorlogy.
Andreu Rico – Leading WP5
Andreu Rico is researcher in the IMDEA Water Institute in Spain. His main interests is to identify key stress factors that affect aquatic populations and communities under Mediterranean conditions, as well as to evaluate their interactive effects with urban, agricultural and industrial pollution.
Jannicke Moe – Leading WP6
Jannicke Moe is senior researcher at the Norwegian Institute for Water Research with research experience from terrestrial and aquatic ecology, in particular ecological effects of environmental pressures such as acidification, eutrophication and toxicants.
Annemarie van Wezel – Leading WP7

Annemarie van Wezel is professor Environmental Ecology at the Insitute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics at the University of Amsterdam. She has long-term experience as scientist in environmental toxicology and chemistry, risk assessment and environmental policy evaluation.
Benny Chefetz 
Benny Chevetz is professor of Environmental Chemistry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His research is focused on the agricultural environment, with an overarching goal to elucidate physical, chemical and biological processes which influence the fate of organic contaminants