Annika Mangold-Doering – ESR10 – Wageningen University & Research
Modelling the interaction between climate change and chemical effects at different levels of biological organization (WP5)

Annika is an early state researcher, holding a MSc degree in ecotoxicology from RWTH Aachen University, Germany. During her studies she focused on both, the ecological and the toxicological aspects in environmental research. In her bachelor’s thesis she investigated interactions between pollinators and different pollinating syndromes of different plant species and their use for automated image evaluation. She conducted her master’s thesis in collaboration with the Toxicology Centre of the University of Saskatchewan, Canada, about a multi-species physiologically-based toxicokinetic (PBTK) modelling approach for fishes, focussing on exposure and risk assessment of chemicals.
Starting May 2019, Annika is a PhD candidate of the Aquatic Ecology and Water Quality Management Group at Wageningen University & Research, as part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network ECORISK2050. Her PhD project is about “Modelling the interaction between climate change and chemical effects at different levels of biological organization”. Thus, she will work on models at different levels of biological organization (individual, population, community, ecosystem) that describe the combined influence of global climate change and chemical pressures on ecosystem function and structure.
ECORISK2050 Publications
Polazzo, F., Roth, S.K., Hermann, M., Mangold‐Döring, A., Rico, A., Sobek, A., Van den Brink, P.J. and Jackson, M.C. (2021). Combined effects of heatwaves and micropollutants on freshwater ecosystems: towards an integrated assessment of extreme events in multiple stressors research. Global Change Biology.
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ECORISK2050 publications
Raths, J., Schinz, L., Mangold-Döring, A., & Hollender, J. (2023). Elimination Resistance: Characterizing Multi-compartment Toxicokinetics of the Neonicotinoid Thiacloprid in the Amphipod Gammarus pulex Using Bioconcentration and Receptor-Binding Assays. Environmental Science & Technology
Mangold-Döring, A., Huang, A., van Nes, E. H., Focks, A., & van den Brink, P. J. (2022). Explicit Consideration of Temperature Improves Predictions of Toxicokinetic–Toxicodynamic Models for Flupyradifurone and Imidacloprid in Gammarus pulex. Environmental Science & Technology.
Huang, A. & Mangold-Döring, A., Guan, H., Boerwinkel, M. C., Belgers, D., Focks, A., & Van den Brink, P. J. (2022). The effect of temperature on toxicokinetics and the chronic toxicity of insecticides towards Gammarus pulex. Science of The Total Environment, 158886.
Polazzo, F., Roth, S.K., Hermann, M., Mangold‐Döring, A., Rico, A., Sobek, A., Van den Brink, P.J. and Jackson, M.C. (2022). Combined effects of heatwaves and micropollutants on freshwater ecosystems: towards an integrated assessment of extreme events in multiple stressors research. Global change biology, 28(4), 1248-1267.